Through our Outreach and Education initiatives, MLOV helps immigrant DMV residents build the skills and tools needed to effectively articulate challenges, be constructively critical, devise strategic and sustainable solutions, mobilize their peers, develop a membership base, and hold those in power accountable for implementing equitable systems.
These efforts include our Civics for All Program, Get Out The Vote efforts, listening circles, open mics, open house events, and more. From these events, we create entry points to member development and leadership training in order to build the power of immigrant community organizers and immigrant civic engagement.
Civics for All Program
Through our Civics for All program, which is a series of training sessions led by immigrant community leaders, we bridge knowledge gaps in civic engagement. The program teaches participants about the US government, their rights, voting, and how to use this new knowledge within their communities. Graduates of the program have gone on to conduct Get Out The Vote outreach with MLOV.
Get Out The Vote
We conduct Get Out The Vote outreach with community members who include graduates of our Civics for All program. During the 2024 election cycle we engaged with over 300 DC voters.